The Preschool Director and Administrator are authorised to accept and confirm enrolments. The enrolment application form, complete with the Medical Authorisation form, birth certificate, childs up to date (for their age) Immunisation status OR your child is on a recognised vaccine catch up schedule OR has a medical condition preventing them from being fully vaccinated (official forms are required). Please note, the names written on the enrolment form must match the names on your child’s birth certificate to meet legal requirements. These things are required prior to allocating and confirming your child’s placement. An enrolment fee will also be required. Positions at the preschool are allocated in order of age and application whilst adhering to the priority of access.
Our Preschool has a minimum 2 day enrolment policy, with a minimum of 50% attendance required.
2024 enrolments will be capped at 3 days maximum.
Withdrawal from care
We require 2 weeks (term time) written notice, to withdraw or reduce enrolment days for your child from a permanent booking. Full payment of the two weeks is required even if your child is not attending for those two weeks.
Permanent and Casual Bookings
Permanent bookings are an ongoing booking that:
Remains the same from one week to the next.
Must remain unchanged for the term (unless agreed changes are made with the director).
Are chargeable regardless of attendance.
Causal Bookings are one off bookings that:
Can be booked at the last minute – provided there are vacancies.
Can be cancelled at no cost provided that 24hrs written notice is given.
You must make these bookings with Admin Mon-Wed between 9am-4pm
Please DO NOT complete the EOI form unless your child is 3-5 years old or will turn 3 in the current year.
Parents and caregiver can complete an expressions of interest form above - if their child is currently 3 or will turn 3 in the current year. This form assists with the placement of children and specific day requests. This EOI does not secure your child’s placement.
The Preschool cannot hold places for children under the age of 3 years.
Each year in Term 3 (mid September) EOI go onto our General FB page for children who will be enrolling the following year.
Fees are reviewed regularly by the management committee and are kept as low as possible while still ensuring that, as an organisation helping children and families, we are viable and can survive in the long term.
We are currently utilising the Start Strong, NSW Government Fee Relief program.
Our current fee list is available on the below link, via a hard copy at the service or can be requested via email at any time.
Outstanding Fees Our policy outlines the procedures for outstanding fees, there are hard copies of the policy which can be obtained from admin. They are also available via PDF on the website.
Late collection fees To remain open after closing time requires at least two staff members to be paid overtime and critically, it is considered a breach of the National Education and Care Regulations. As stated in our Fee Policy, we charge the following amounts for late collection.